Each year, I make a list of things I'm thankful for, in no particular order. This year is no different.
- I'm writing this post on a Thanksgiving morning that I don't need to work, with a mug of coffee on one hand and a glass of whisky (thanks Uncle Pat) in the other, anticipating a day of family events where I'll be surrounded by people I love and who love me. What a place of privilege. I'm thankful for that.
- Tacos.
- Spouse Kate - she has rightfully identified that I may be legit emotionally stunted, and therefore don't express gratitude or appreciation in a verbal sense as often as I should, but I am so thankful she's around.
- This dog - even though he sleeps on my pillow and is generally just really poorly mannered.
- I'm thankful for all my family - mom, dad, spouse, aunt, uncle, niece, siblings, siblings in-law, parentals in-law, other familial hangers on, those that aren't technically family by blood but are family nonetheless. Y'all are weird sometimes, but that's part of why you're great.
- Impromptu plans, whether it's making plans over 10 minutes in February for my BFF to fly up from Louisiana for a 36 hour road trip to see Dead & Company this summer, or a last minute hang out with good friends who I hadn't seen in too long last Friday evening. It's always worth it to ask. Thankful for that.
- Solitude - I had the opportunity to spend Memorial Day weekend on a solo BWCA trip, where I had the chance to unplug, paddle, read books, drink whiskey, skinny dip in the lake, see a moose, run rapids, and generally recharge. I'm also thankful that Kate is cool with and understands that sometimes, doing things alone is not a dis on the other person, it's just a great opportunity to reflect and recharge.
- Reconnecting with old friends from high school and college whom I wouldn't have expected to reconnect with.
- My dad faced a significant mental health scare this year, and while mental health is rarely fully "cured," he's doing a lot better. I'm thankful for that, and also that through the struggle, I think our family got a lot closer.
- An incredible, crazy weekend with Cousin Mike and Mo in Denver, attending our first PHISH shows. If you're going to do it, you might as well go to all three PhishDicks shows, and it was just as bizarre and weird and totally awesome as you might imagine it would be when you arrive in a chartered Grateful Dead bus. Thanks to Mike and Mo for their generous hospitality!
- To recover from three days of Phish, we got to spend a day in one of our favorite places - Rocky Mountain National Park, which was fabulous as always.
- I've had a really intense year career-wise, especially in the past few months. I've worked my ass off, and can tell that I've become a better lawyer and have really found the experience gratifying. Thankful for all of this and my great colleagues, and also thankful for whatever lies ahead.
- Random texts from friends.
- Wool socks.
- Biking to work.
- I had two extremely memorable ski runs this year. In January, I skied the Dictator Chutes at Big Sky, which involved leaping from a cornice and going down this narrow gully with waist deep powder, which was super rad! In March at Jackson Hole, I skied Corbet's Couloir and while I was a tad gripped at the top, it was so gratifying to make the drop and do the run!
- Really love the use of double negatives - i.e., "I could not not be excited for pumpkin pie."
- Going for a paddle in our canoe on a random weeknight.
- I'm really grateful for the richness that life opens up when you adopt a spirit of adventure as your creed.
- Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi - don't let the haters fool you, it is a MASTERWORK.
- Melted cheese on pretty much anything.
- I was invited to join a community orchestra, and even though the director's a bit of a weirdo and it's what you would expect, it's been a lot of fun to play orchestral music again. Also grateful that my college band tuxedo fit well enough for the fall concert.
- With some degree of reticence, I attended my 10 year reunion at Luther College, and even though I mostly hung out with my Luther friends from the Twin Cities, it was still super great to see people and be in Decorah.
- Speaking of Decorah and Luther, so , so thankful for my fellow Manboy friends, who are all kicking ass and doing awesome things in their respective places in life, and who still find the time to jump on google hangout for an e-drink on a regular basis.
- Joe Mauer - what a great role model to grow up watching with the Twins.
- This morning, I woke up and ran a 5K even though I haven't run anywhere since I ran my last 5K last Thanksgiving - grateful for the good health and moderate level of fitness to allow me to do that.
- Middle Eastern food.
- Funny stickers.
- Beer.
- Whiskey - preferably outside around a fire or something, but anywhere is cool. If Uncle Pat is there, watch out!
- I know it's fiscally not the best, but I really love eating out and I'm thankful for the great conversations that tend to happen when I do. Also, food.
- Thankful for all the great energy at Christus Victor about the building expansion and other items - what a great opportunity to leave a legacy.
- Trying new things.
- Trombone choir.
- Where I live - thankful that I can walk or bike to the coffee shop or restaurant, bike to other things, take the bus, do whatever.
- Similar to the above, thankful for the crew at Angry Catfish Bikes + Coffee - it's so refreshing to have a third place where people actually know you and care to talk about what is up in your world.
- The results of the 2018 midterm elections, particularly in Minnesota.
- Not actually having a lot of legitimate problems.
- Catalogs that you receive in the mail.
- Road trips (but only if there are combos and/or haribo gummy bears).
- Didn't do a ton of fly-fishing this year, but grateful for the days I did get out.
- Mid-ski beverages and chicken wings at Madd Jaxx at Welch Village.
- Bob Dylan.
- The refinished floors in my house.
- Erik Laing, who helped me cut and install baseboards in my basement, and also joined me on a most excellent ski trip to Jackson Hole.
- The satisfaction that comes with hard work.
- Mentors.
- I generally just have really great friends. They all approach life uniquely and with grace, resilience, and strength. I am so thankful that they're around and that they're forgiving and understanding when life interrupts and time passes between points of contact.
- The Sun, because without it, we'd be dead.
- Curiosity.
- Opportunities to exist in the chill zone.
- In September, I really needed to take a dump on the trail in Rocky Mountain National Park, but did not have my toiletry supplies. Really grateful for my Eagle Scout skills that allowed me to adapt and to resolve the situation without severe incident!
- The news always seems bad, but if you look around in your immediate locality, it seems like there are just a lot of good folk around. Grateful for that.
- The Grateful Dead - probably not going to name my firstborn Jerry like my cousin, but it was so awesome to go see Dead and Company this summer and experience a bit of that scene.
- Bratwurst - preferably the cheese stuffed varietals.
- Hot sauce.
- Watching the Olympics on TV.
- We went and saw "Free Solo" a month or so ago, and I was so inspired by it. Thankful that that particular story was told.
- The way that the pursuit of totally unnecessary and pointless endeavors can teach you a lot about yourself, others around you, and the world at large.
- Even numbers.
- Maintaining an air of mystery - you keep people guessing.
- French fries.
I'm sure I missed a few things, but sometimes, that's just the way it is. Hope all of you have a very reflective and peaceful Thanksgiving.