Welcome internet denizens. You've arrived at my new travel blog, which (hopefully) will soon be overflowing with witty observations, anecdotes, and stories from the Old Country.
I think one of the forgotten arts of our American society is people watching. I find that incredibly ironic, especially given popular culture's obsession with celebrities and crappy reality tv shows. Why is it that people are more interested with faraway, unattainable objects than with that which is easily attainable and accessible? Maybe it's some sort of escapist fantasy, but that's beyond the point. The point is, that I aim with this blog to capture the human side of London, the lived in side. The same goes for any other destinations that I may come across.
Of course, it's inevitable that there will be some touristy posts as well. I can scarcely imagine going to the British Museum without gushing over with wide-eyed verbiage. And I suppose, I am actually taking a course in London, so I'm sure there will be a bit of arbitration thrown in there for good measure.
Hopefully people will find this interesting. I'll do my best to try and keep it so, as well as being regularly updated. I would gladly welcome any questions or suggestions anyone may have, or points for further investigation.
*Just what the hell does the title of this blog mean, you ask? It's French for "I don't understand." I wish I had some deep, existential background for this, but in truth, I tend to look confused often, so it only seemed appropriate. Additionally, if you understand everything, what's the point of doing anything?
Hey Aaron, glad to hear you made it over there in one piece.
ReplyDeleteMake sure to get pissed off of some CAMRA for me.