Once again, another Thanksgiving is upon us. So, as I did last year, in no particular order, a list of sorts.
1 - Family
2 - Friends
3 - Beatles Rock Band
4 - Those rare times when the Starbucks girl asks if I want my coffee in a mug
5 - Duke Ellington
6 - Another year of good health
7 - Being able to return to England this past summer
8 - Relatively affordable diesel fuel
9 - Minneapolis Trombone Choir
10 - Striped socks
11 - Walking the two blocks from Hamline after a long day, and being able to unwind
12 - The number 12
13 - Having gone another year without losing a hat
14 - Grandma Dorothy, and a life well lived
15 - Discovering my heritage in Norway
16 - Completing a law review article without spiraling into a mental breakdown
17 - Listening to Miles Davis on vinyl
18 - The dog
19 - Being able to be honest
20 - One last dome dog at the Metrodome
21 - Good scotch
22 - The new Star Trek movie
23 - Keeping in touch with old friends
24 - Minnesota Public Radio
25 - Flannel sheets
26 - Black luggage
27 - Living in a climate where you can wear scarves
28 - That one waiter in Brussels who humored me and only spoke to me in French
29 - Another grand season of Twins baseball
30 - Getting (partial) season tickets at Target Field
31 - Frisbee golf
32 - Brass music on a cold, dark night
33 - Generally surviving law school with soul (as yet) intact
34 - Summit Winter Ale
35 - Mark Rothko paintings
36 - Learning how to snap my fingers
37 - New relationships
38 - Swing dancing
39 - Peppermint, generally added to anything during the month of December
40 - Even numbers
41 - Granola bars sans raisins
42 - Jazz
43 - Being able to be more assertive
44 - Important people and possibilities
45 - A new relative - Oliver James
46 - Finding that suit in dad's closet
47 - Grandma Lou, for a life still being lived
48 - Coffee
49 - The color blue
50 - Learning to be self-aware
51 - For living a life I can generally feel good about
52 - Balance
53 - The sweet umbrella I found at my great-aunt's house
54 - Red wine with pizza
55 - Tolerance
56 - Being comfortable with silence
57 - This Turkish rug that my feet sit on
58 - Moccasins
59 - Not taking myself too seriously
60 - Half Price Books
61 - Walking the dog
62 - Khaki pants
63 - People taking the time to read this blog
64 - Nutella
Happy Thanksgiving.