Folks, I think it not inaccurate to say that however much jazz you currently have in your life, it is not enough. Everyone needs more jazz. After all, it is America's music.
In pursuit of this goal, I journeyed to Stillwater on Friday evening to hear the Luther Jazz Orchestra, a fine ensemble which I had the distinct pleasure of playing in for a time. And let me tell you, it was quite pleasant. Always nice to see a certain Tony Guzman, although I was incredibly distressed to not hear the Lutheran "Tony Guzmansson" joke. Damn thing cracks me up every time...
Of course, I also got to see some old friends, both in the group and not. Once again, that was very nice. A relief, even. It's always nice to know, as I've alluded to before, that you're remembered. So be it for music played some time ago, or experiences shared even closer in time, it's always nice to know that you matter. That was fun; I'm still fairly certain that the second alto believes I put a man in the hospital in England. Inside jokes, gotta love 'em.
The band sounded great, just great. I was very impressed, and very proud. In some respects, it's humbling. We freeze those moments in time, those four years, and in their cryogenic state, they become part of a contained system. And they are contained, because experiences, everything; it's all unique to us and our circle. But once that seal has been put down, sometimes you tend to forget that you are only part of a continuum, and that your time is only one of thousands, maybe even millions of times. So as special as it was to be (assuredly), the greatest third trombonist to ever grace the Jazz Orchestra, it's so nice to know that new folks are filling in quite capably, and bringing more prestige. Not going to lie though, definitely made me want to get my Limbo Jazz on.
One other disappointment - they did not play Limbo Jazz. No!
Bottom line, it was a lot of fun. For those Luther jazz alums and fans who were not fortunate enough to hear them this year, you can be assured that we're all being done proud. It was a nice night - yes, even that part (cryptic!).
In the interests of photographic fun, here are some trombontastic clips from the 2008 Jazz Orchestra tour to Brazil. Caipirinhas, anyone? The correct answer is sim, obrigado!
sim sim! Wish I could have heard them!