It's the end of the year, and the end of the year means a couple of things. First, we're subjected to a litany of "end of the year lists." Now, I'm generally a fan of lists, but having a list for every conceivable category seems a bit unnecessary. Which of course, is what we inevitably have. Second... well, I don't know what is second. There's just a lot of stuff.
But I think I'd like to recap what has been an eventful year - not necessarily because I feel a need to project anything but because personally, I find value in looking back. This is an exercise for myself, and if the Internet and my readership wants to be witness to it, I hope they find it insightful as well.
I always thought that 2010 sounded so futuristic, representative of the sleek future I used to see in cartoons and movies. And to some extent, it is. I don't have a flying car or a robot maid, but for better or for worse, I do carry a computer in my pocket. Honestly, I find it, and all that it represents, a source of constant tension. I think that increasing technology does correspond, to a certain extent, with a loss of humanity. Maybe I'm being paranoid, maybe I just don't know how to utilize the smartphone to the pinnacle of functioning that I read about so often, but maybe I'm also on to something. Maybe the future, with all its promise, shouldn't move too quickly. We won't know what to do with ourselves.
There's a romanticism in simple things, which even amongst the progress, I think I've enjoyed most this past year. One thing that sticks out is having Twins season tickets in their first year outside at Target Field. Sure, the ballpark is a marvel, replete with the latest technology, but at it's heart, it's just a place to watch nine people play an old, old game outside. I appreciate that, and I think I can say that there are few things I'd rather be doing on a warm summer night. Especially when accompanied by good friends and a Twins win. I'll especially enjoy those especial things when sitting in section 125 with a Grain Belt next season...
I can't keep up with all the things I think of, but I hope I've put out some interesting content on this blog. I think I'm good at it, I like writing for everyone, and I love it when my writing inspires people to write a comment or express interest in my topic du jour. Another simple pleasure. I'm happy to say that I've recently gotten a ton of new music to listen to and review, so I hope to get working on that. And commensurate with my behind the times persona, I've been getting my mind blown away recently by Radiohead. Cool.
I suppose mention has to be made of my burgeoning career as a craft brewer. No kidding aside, I really think the past few brews have been plenty worthy of resale, and I'm hoping that we can evolve that process in the next year. I know, I know, the MN Brew Blog has been on a bit of a hiatus, but I promise, that will go on the list for 2011. Maybe some beer reviews? Even with the subpar blogging, it's fun to say you've been able to make something good, to make something with your hands. There's a certain type of primordial swelling that comes from enjoying something tangible, borne from one's own toil.
Although not simple, I had the good fortune this year to fall in love this year, with a woman who was very, very dear to me. I think that required a level of honesty, both with myself and with her, that was akin to being naked in the middle of downtown Minneapolis. In terms of self-awareness, that moment of realization has to go down as a personal watershed. It was liberating to tell her, I don't regret a single bit of it, and have since concluded after much reflection, that it was real, and not the result of thoughtless passion.
Of course, I should probably mention that I also had the bad fortune of falling in love with a woman who was unable, or unwilling, to reciprocate those feelings in the way that I needed. I've thought quite a bit about that cruel twist, and tried my best to decipher its cosmic significance - but of course, unlike the Jones Act or the CISG, no amount of analysis can make anything clearer. It will never make any sense to me.
But then again, maybe it shouldn't, which is a difficult realization to accept. I suppose the importance of that whole episode comes from the trial, the tribulation of being scorned. Foolishly, I often find myself hoping that she will evolve to a point where she wants what I do. It makes no sense to dwell on that which you cannot control, but that's much easier said than done. Oddly enough, if anything, 2010 told me that life is a result of decisions that we choose to make, the risks we choose to take. Be it personal or academic, matters of the head or heart, there's always a choice. Myself, in most instances, I think I'll choose to jump.
I was discussing with a friend recently how oftentimes, personal success is engaged in a tripartite balancing act (in my case), with professional and academic success. Personally, this year has been positive in terms of self-awareness, but negative in terms of results. And of course, results is what counts to the outside observer, and most times, to oneself. When the calendar flipped to The Future last year, I was convinced that that personal aspect would be high on results, mainly because I do have a bit of an egoist streak. I felt as though I was on the cusp of real adulthood, with a cushy internship, stellar grades, and on the brink of dating a wonderful girl. The last part didn't happen, and I regret that, but at some point, I won't.
Professional and Academic
Professionally, 2010 has been a watershed. I had the good fortune to have an internship with the United States Attorney, which forced me to really open my eyes to a new career path; that being a government attorney. It was refreshing to be given real responsibility, and rewarding to have working relationships. I also was fortunate enough to work out in Glencoe for the summer with a fine judge, as well as be able to work in other rural and suburban courthouses. Although the commute seemed rough at times, it gave me a lot of time to think, which is a good thing. Folks in Glencoe are not impressed with your iPhone or your Blu-Ray - they're impressed by being honest, and working hard. It was refreshing.
And of course, I'm extremely grateful to have gotten a job working for the county attorney. I appreciate (a) getting paid; (b) being relied upon; (c) enjoying my job, and; (d) getting put on the path to becoming a real attorney. There's a lot to learn, but nowhere to go but up.
School is as school goes, as I think most people can relate to. I think law school is unique in that, as a third year student, it is mostly pointless. Truly, I could take the bar in February and be ready to practice. There's not much more to learn anymore, but things to do. However pissed one can get at Hamline and its shitty reputation though, I do have to be happy for my legal friends, and the general quality of my education. I feel fortunate that I'm successful academically, and feel fortunate that I enjoy what I do.
Actually, come to think of it, I shouldn't hate on law school so much. Without law school, I wouldn't be jetting to Hong Kong in April for the Vis international commercial arbitration competition. I must say, I enjoy the whole concept of a free trip to Hong Kong, so forthwith, I think I'll try to put myself in situations that feature such a perk. This whole experience has been shocking to the conscience in terms of workload and commitment, but it has been rewarding to an immeasurable degree. Even a calendar week featuring 45 hours spent in tiny library rooms can't deter my general sense that this is fun, exciting stuff. It has opened doors for me to meet with some very important people, and I'm sure that will continue to occur. Truly though, I think the best part is the friends that have come out of it; and if not friends, then colleagues. Generally, when you're going to spend 45 hours with 3 other people, it's good to get along, and I think our team has exceeded that bottom-line.
A lot of things have happened, and there is much to be thankful on, and much to improve upon. I suppose my boyish concern for 2010 as the Future hasn't quite come to fruition, but maybe it's on its way. Perhaps its my nature, perhaps I'm not as progressive as I thought, but as the years extend onwards, the valuable things in my life tend to get more simplistic. Often times more expensive, but simple in principle. I want to do well at the things I do, enjoy the things I enjoy, and do all those things with family, friendships and relationships that are meaningful and provocative. At times, I wish it was easier to get all those things, but that would be unrealistic.
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