Dear Internet,
Each year, on this blog that I have long since ceased actively writing on, I compile a more or less stream-of-consciousness list of all the things I am thankful for over the past year. This is not intended to be conclusive. In many ways, 2016 the past calendar year has been one of ups and downs, but I am thankful for the opportunity to share these items with you, and I am gratified that more than one of you has inquired specifically on whether this post will be coming.
In no particular order:
- Sharp cheddar cheese;
- Writing with pencils;
- My family who are my friends, my friends who are truly my family, and vice versa, on and on into infinity;
- Well made, black coffee - particularly when accompanied by the positive community vibe at my local coffee shops Angry Catfish and Sisters Sludge;
- For the gentleman pardoning the turkey in the photo above. President's Obama's message inspired me in 2007 as a student at Luther College, and I have proudly supported him since. I haven't always agreed with his policies, but whatever your politics, he has served this country faithfully and with extreme dignity for the past 8 years, and has represented us with honor, class, and respect for all of its diverse citizens. I will truly miss his leadership and example, and I hope he continues to inspire me and others to make positive, progressive change;
- Tacos;
- Crisp mornings where you need a stocking cap and cup of coffee, ideally after having spent the night in a tent, and the evening preceding it having been occupied with cheap whiskey and good friends;
- Trombone - mom, if you read this, I still suggest a new bass trombone would be an excellent use of the Music and Worship Committee budget;
- The opportunity this year to learn a new instrument, the chance to learn with a skilled teacher, and the invitation to come play guitar, even if I have no idea what I am doing;
- For the music, lyricism, and wisdom of one of my true heroes, a certain Bob Dylan. It was so incredible to, however briefly, retrace his steps in Duluth and Hibbing this year while pondering the never-ending vibrancy of a person who won't let himself plateau;
- IX - Notters, you understand. Ten years later, the memories, lessons, and friendships of our time at 67 Homefield continue to play an integral role in who I am;
- In retrospect, being fired;
- The grace and humanity that my former partner showed me when I did get fired, who supported me and allowed me to work steadily while I got back on my feet;
- For the opportunity to chase a career dream at DLA Piper, for colleagues who help me when I make a mistake, and for work that challenges me immensely;
- Environmental consciousness - sign the petition to save the Boundary Waters right here;
- Our beautiful new Northstar Northwind 17 canoe - now appropriately featuring a few well-placed scratches;
- The chance to spend 5 days in the wilderness of the BWCAW this September, with nothing to rely on but what we packed in on our backs and in our heads - what an incredible, priceless, ethereal place to distill down to the essentials of life;
- For the chance to ski the mountains last year with Kate and both my parents on two separate trips;
- The altogether too brief life of my good friend, Basil the Greyhound. He got sick, and we had to let him go, and sometimes that's the shitty way life is, but what joy he brought during his time in our lives. MTFBWY;
- The currently existing life of my new good friend, Obi-Wan Kenobi the Greyhound. He has zero manners, has too much energy, and typically bothers me about 65% of the time, but he means so well, and isn't that the mark of someone you want to spend time with?;
- Listening to music for the sake of listening to music;
- Whiskey - all of it;
- The community at Christus Victor Lutheran Church - what a great place, and it has been really nice to try and get more involved as of late. I literally have the best idea ever for a new initiative!;
- Cruising by traffic on my bike each day heading to and from work;
- Prince;
- Living in a city that values bicycling and sustainability, and has the culture and people around to make bicycling an easy, fun, and cool way to get around and recreate;
- The Rossignol Soul 7 skis I picked up on clearance last season;
- Terrible, bro-tastic ski films replete with vocabulary such as "shred," "gnar," and "gripped" - can't get enough;
- Beer - most all of the good stuff, though I prefer that brewed in Minnesota;
- For spur of the moment trips to Wisconsin forests to backpack and get back to basics;
- Striped or otherwise ostentatious wool socks;
- I can't say I'm too thankful for the team's performance, but I still do enjoy and am thankful for the opportunity to watch the Twins on a summers' night;
- Let's be honest, I really don't have too many major life problems;
- Pancakes;
- Skiing at Welch Village - yes, I have become a Big Sky convert, and nothing beats the mountain west for actual challenges, but there's something about turns on your local hill where you learned and grew up that will never get old;
- The Force Awakens - I think I cried no less than 5 times - (1) when the main title came on; (2) when the Millennium Falcon appeared on screen; (3) when Han Solo and Chewbacca re-enter the Falcon; (4) when Rey summons Anakin/Luke's lightsaber using the Force and turns to confront Kylo Ren in the forests of Starkiller Base, and; (5) when, at last, Luke Skywalker appears at the very end;
- For the time I attended a screening of the film referred to in item (35) with my in-laws, whilst garbed in screen-accurate costuming - sorry guys, but the die was cast when a request was made for me to not wear it;
- Rogue One - only 21 days away;
- Reconnecting with old friends who, honestly, I had no contemplation of ever seeing again;
- My brother-in-law, who is a fishing partner, a skiing partner, a fly-tying partner, and just generally an admirable person who I enjoy spending time with not only in the trenches of Familial Events, but more mundane events as well;
- Having the means and resources to be able to buy a new car this summer - write up my liberal yupster confession, yes it is a Subaru;
- For the fact that when my lovely spouse had a not-insignificant health scare, it turned out to be nothing SERIOUS. Shit got real there for a bit;
- New vision insurance and new prescription sunglasses - seriously, now I can see when I wear them;
- Leather boots;
- That delightful anticipation you feel heading out for a day of fly fishing;
- Fly fishing with my friend Tom, who has taught me a lot about life and fishing during our hours in the car and on the river;
- While we're on the subject, the simple joy of catching a fish on a fly that I tied myself;
- Hell, just the chance to shut the fuck up and be outside waving a stick in the middle of a river, whether or not you catch anything. Lord knows there are worse ways to spend your days;
- Friends who engage in conversations of substance when it's called for, and conversations of less-substance when that's called for as well;
- Hawaiian pork;
- For never wanting to quit - the Lutsen ski patrol and the Grand Marais ER can attest to this foolish instinct, but I'll be damned if I didn't rally for a quesadilla at the end of the day;
- Two of my favourite breweries - the tap room at Castle Danger Brewery in Two Harbors, and the Lone Peak Brewery in Big Sky, Montana;
- Riding a single speed bike - literally no cares whatsoever;
- When people invite you to do stuff;
- The fact that my mom got the CV Senior Choir to get real and start challenging itself more - seriously people, we can do this and sound good doing it!;
- The perfect roll on your sleeves;
- My new tattoo - "The only thing I knew how to do was to keep on keepin' on." Truer words have never been said;
- Bluebird days;
- Giving gifts;
- For the wisdom of people that have already been there;
- That feeling you get when you are rid of all distractions;
- Health, and the ability and will to lead a healthy, active lifestyle;
- Anytime I can be outside;
- For acceptance of mistakes, for forgiveness, for second chances;
- Even numbers.
Wow I am feeling great now!!!