I've been trying really hard the past day or so to think of some witty topic to blog about, but I think I've hit a bit of a wall. Blogger's block, if you will. I thought about writing a long post about coffee here, but it can really be distilled down to three points.
1 - The drip coffee is shitty.
2 - No mint moose triple choco-splosion mochas.
3 - If you want legitimate coffee, order a latte, cappuccino, or espresso.
There you have it. Saved you a lot of time.
I went back to the British Museum again today. Second time this week. I think the thing that fascinates me the most, is simply how old everything is. For example, there is a gigantic hall absolutely packed full of Egyptian sculptures, most of which are around 4,000 years old. I mean, seriously, think of that. It's amazing. I think it puts a lot of perspective on life, maybe how short everything is. I would make some sort of comment about how insignificant a single person is in the grand scheme, but of course, that's defeated. If one person, or multiple persons, can create some of the items I saw, it's obvious that life is a rather enduring thing. I wonder what sorts of artifacts people will have from our society, thousands of years from now. I hope it's going to be more impressive than plastic grocery bags or styrofoam containers.
Like I said earlier, I'm going to Brussels this weekend. Why Brussels, you ask. Why go to Belgium in general? Well, a couple reasons. First of all, why not. Second, I'm under budget, and it would just be ridiculous to responsibly save any excess money. Third, I've never been to Belgium. Fourth, all my friends are in Edinburgh, where I've already been. Plus, Scotland is expensive. Fifth, Belgium is the home of french fries. I'm particularly intrigued by that last one. Apparently the best fries (frites) in the world are Belgian. I will report back on that.
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