Well, tomorrow is our first set of exams. It's hard to explain the vibe surrounding them. Class has up to this point been an afterthought in relation to "being in London." Not to say it isn't interesting, or that I haven't been prepared, or anything like that. It's just the reality. It seems like all of the professors understand that. Nonetheless, these are classes for credit, and there are exams. Open book, open note, etc.
My morning was spent outlining U.S. arbitration law. I took the tube down to St. Paul's, and studied at a Caffe Nero for about an hour, then walked through the financial district to Tower Hill, where I caught the tube back here. I decided to stop into a pub and brainstorm some arbitration questions for a while, when Kevin and Erik walked in. So I had lunch with them, and now find myself here. Apparently we have a study session in about 5 minutes.
Regardless, I feel we are all going to be overly prepared.
This weekend, myself and the aforementioned Kevin and Erik are going to Nottingham. I had originally planned to go alone, thinking no one would be much interested in a run of the mill East Midlands city, but the desire to leave London was strong, and my descriptions of Peak District walks, real ale meccas, and the advantage of an experienced guide gathered interest. Robin Hood mythology may have also played a part. As you may know, I lived for about 9 months in Nottingham during college, and it's a place rather dear to me. I'm excited to go back.
But first, have to get these exams out of the way.
Post a lot of pictures so I can live vicariously through you this weekend!